Aerials and broll for Nilfisk in St. Lucie, FL with Kerhsane and Juan, two talented videographers
Enjoying what you do career-wise is probably one of the best gifts you can receive. Sometimes the road less traveled is filled with pitfalls, emotional lows and the equivalent highs, but it's a road that truly is unique to the traveler taking the steps.
I feel this way about my own video & TV career, the more I do, the longer I've been at it, the better things seem to get. And that truly is a gift. But the gift comes with a price. It's how you share the cost, and how you pass on the dividends that really matters.
One of the primary reasons the gift of an enjoyable career has blossomed for me is that I get to share what I've learned with the next wave of guys and girls coming up in the world of the visual and communication arts. And by helping them through many of the challenges they face, giving them a nudge in this or that direction, pays off in many ways. For us as a company it pays off by developing young professionals who bring new vision, passion and style to each assignment. For them, they learn techniques and processes that have stood the test of time, and in many cases fall through the cracks at colleges or trade schools they've come up through.
My crew gets younger as I get older, and it's funny how that works to the benefit of clients. My company has been producing visual media for companies like yours for a long time. And although the technology changes, the styles change, the distribution platforms evolve..., there is one set of things that stay the same.
Relationships and trust is key, listening is an art, and grinding out the work is not always fun, but it's a requirement that the time and effort put into the story will make the difference between good and great. Media is made up of many components, audio files, video files, graphic files, text files.., it's how they are shaped that make the story connect.
We hope to connect with you on a future endeavor, but until then, enjoy your own journey, and if you're not... veer off that path a little bit, you never know what that new path is going to unveil... maybe a gift or two.